The BronyDays 2013

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The BronyDays 2013

Mensaje por Simontheb » 06 Mar 2013, 20:42

Hello, bronies! Allow me to introduce myself: my name is Simontheb, I am a science student, and I am also the communication manager of the team organizing the BronyDays. This is, as you may know, a european brony convention that will take place in Paris at the end of October 2013. In this thread, I will provide some information about it:

The BronyDays

-Date: The Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 of October, 2013

-Location: Espace EFCB, 23rd Emile Zola street in Montreuil, Paris, France




The BronyDays will be the first european convention to be held in France, and will be entirely bilingual, in both English and French. The program includes games, art and cosplay contests, interviews with the guests, a party (who doesn't like wubs?), and more...

The following guests will attend the convention as guests of honour:

- M.A. Larson, the writer who brought us amazing episodes such as Sonic Rainboom, Return of Harmony, Luna Eclipsed, Magic Duel and Magical Mystery Cure, and overall “one of the biggest driving force toward a unified narrative in the show”.

- JanAnimations, a very talented artist, well-known for having animated the songs “Picture Perfect Pony” , and “Meet the Bronies” for the brony documentary.

- The Living Tombstone, one of the biggest musicians in the fandom! Check out his channel here.

- LaserPon3, famous for his spectacular laser shows, will perform at the convention! His channel here.

- Yulynh, a very talented visual artist, who designed the posters for both our convention and the crowdfunding campaign, will also be at the BronyDays! Check out her Deviant Art here.

-EileMonty is a british voice actress and singer, well-known in the community. she has taken part in various high quality fan animations like “Picture Perfect Pony”, as well as in many awesome songs such as For A United Equestria or I Am Octavia. Not only will she have a panel, she will also perform at the concert scheduled during the convention! Her youtube channel is there.

-The Przewalski’s Ponies are a russian music band, and they will come all the way from Moscow to perform at the concert of the convention and fill your ears with pony music! Their soundcloud is there.

If you wish to cover the BronyDays, to be a vendor or to get a table at the convention, you can now apply, the instructions are in this page (at the bottom).

Follow us on facebook and twiter, pass the word around, for it is your attendance that will turn the BronyDays into something really special.

A note about people under the age of 18: they are welcome in the convention, but they must come with an adult who is legally responsible for them. It can be a brony friend over 18, for instance.

As communication manager of the team behind the convention, I will keep this thread up to date by posting news and editing this first post. If you have any question, feel free to ask them in this thread, and I will do my best to answer you!
Última edición por Simontheb el 03 Nov 2013, 17:42, editado 11 veces en total.
Member of the BronyDays staff.
Autor del Hilo
Mensajes: 29
Registrado: 05 Mar 2013, 18:45
Genero: Masculino
Pony preferido: Twilight Sparkle
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Ubicación: France

Re: The BronyDays, convention in Paris

Mensaje por SpaniardHooves » 06 Mar 2013, 20:44

Espacio reservado para Spaniard Hooves.

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Hola Bronies! Permitidme presentarme: mi nombre es Simontheb, soy un estudiante de ciencias, y también soy el manager de relaciones públicas del equipo organizador de los BronyDays. Esto es, como quizás sepáis, una convencion brony europea que tendrá lugar en Paris a finales de Octubre de 2013. En este tema voy a dejaros información acerca de la misma:

Los BronyDays

-Fecha: Sábado 26 y Domingo 27 de Octubre, 2013

-Dirección: Espace EFCB, 23rd Emile Zola street en Montreuil, Paris, Francia




Los BronyDays serán la primera convención europea situada en Francia, y será completamente bilingüe, tanto en Inglés como en Francés. El programa incluirá juegos, concursos de arte y cosplay, entrevistas con los invitados, una fiesta y más...

Con el fin de conseguir más invitados y hacer las entradas más baratas, pronto lanzaremos una campaña en Indiegogo para recoger más fondos. Indiegogo es una web como Kickstarter. Consiste en lo siguiente: Hacéis una donación y recibís una recompensa dependiendo de la cantidad. Necesitaremos ayuda de las comunidades brony europeas con el fin de hacer el evento aún más impresionante.

Abriremos el plazo para comprar entradas cuando haya acabado la campaña de Indiegogo. Síguenos en Facebook y Twitter, difundid la palabra, tu atención será lo que transforme los BronyDays en algo realmente especial.

Un detalle acerca de los menores de edad: Son bienvenidos a la convención, pero deben venir con un adulto que sea legalmente responsable de ellos. Puedes ser un amigo brony mayor de edad, por ejemplo.

Como manager del equipo mantendré este hilo actualizado con novedades editando el primer post. Si tenéis cualquier pregunta sentiros libres para hacerlas, me esforzaré para contestaros!!

Simontheb escribió:
Shek escribió:¿Algún miembro del equipo de desarrollo de MLP asistirá al evento?

Es posible. No lo sabemos aún, pero estamos hablándolo con potenciales invitados. Pero no te preocupes, te mantendremos informado
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Re: The BronyDays, convention in Paris

Mensaje por Shek » 06 Mar 2013, 23:04

Interesting. Really interesting. Will anyone of the MLP development team attend the event? I would like to meet some of them, but i am not sure if i will be going, considering that BUCK is held a few months before.
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Re: The BronyDays, convention in Paris

Mensaje por karurosu » 06 Mar 2013, 23:23


I'm quite interested to assist. Is too early to say anything, but I'll be waiting for the indiegogo.
Heart of Fire
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Re: The BronyDays, convention in Paris

Mensaje por JoanK » 06 Mar 2013, 23:36

I echo the the opinions expressed in the two posts above.
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Re: The BronyDays, convention in Paris

Mensaje por Melody Lawrence » 06 Mar 2013, 23:47


Kisses and Ponies
Melody Lawrence
Heart of Fire
Heart of Fire
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Re: The BronyDays, convention in Paris

Mensaje por Simontheb » 08 Mar 2013, 21:28

Shek escribió:Will anyone of the MLP development team attend the event?

Possibly. We don't know yet, we are currently discussing with potential guests. But don't worry, we will keep you informed.
Member of the BronyDays staff.
Autor del Hilo
Mensajes: 29
Registrado: 05 Mar 2013, 18:45
Genero: Masculino
Pony preferido: Twilight Sparkle
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Ubicación: France

Re: The BronyDays, convention in Paris

Mensaje por Lion » 11 Mar 2013, 17:57

I want to go but i have nopony to travel, i dont wanna travel alone because i get lost easy
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Registrado: 03 Oct 2012, 11:47
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Re: The BronyDays, convention in Paris

Mensaje por K3G4 » 11 Mar 2013, 20:39

For the first time, welcome to this community. I have a question for you:

I want to go to the con but the lodging is expensive for a not working student , we have some discount or facilities to get a bed?
¡Hostiás el K3 Qué ritmo lleva, va to'poligonero!
Hola K3G4, he oido mucho hablar de tí, ¿Eres Piposman?
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Re: The BronyDays, convention in Paris

Mensaje por Simontheb » 12 Mar 2013, 22:40

K3G4 escribió:For the first time, welcome to this community.

Thank you!

K3G4 escribió:I have a question for you:
I want to go to the con but the lodging is expensive for a not working student , we have some discount or facilities to get a bed?

Unfortunately, no. We simply don't have the budget for it. That said, if you book hostels early, you might be able to get a discount. A few hostels are listed in our website:
Member of the BronyDays staff.
Autor del Hilo
Mensajes: 29
Registrado: 05 Mar 2013, 18:45
Genero: Masculino
Pony preferido: Twilight Sparkle
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Ubicación: France

Re: The BronyDays, convention in Paris

Mensaje por Simontheb » 05 May 2013, 00:08


Our fundraising campaign has just been launched: help us invite artists such as LaserPon3 or Jananimation, and even show talents! Participate to and random drawing to win a ticket to the convention!

To make a donation, it's over here!

For further details, check the first post of the topic.
Member of the BronyDays staff.
Autor del Hilo
Mensajes: 29
Registrado: 05 Mar 2013, 18:45
Genero: Masculino
Pony preferido: Twilight Sparkle
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Ubicación: France

Re: The BronyDays, convention in Paris

Mensaje por intervención » 05 May 2013, 00:13

Simontheb escribió:NEWS:

Our fundraising campaign has just been launched: help us invite artists such as LaserPon3 or Jananimation, and even show talents! Participate to and random drawing to win a ticket to the convention!

To make a donation, it's over here!

For further details, check the first post of the topic.

I just donate 5€ ^^
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Re: The BronyDays, convention in Paris

Mensaje por Simontheb » 05 May 2013, 13:40

intervención escribió:I just donate 5€ ^^

And we thank you! Every euro counts!
Member of the BronyDays staff.
Autor del Hilo
Mensajes: 29
Registrado: 05 Mar 2013, 18:45
Genero: Masculino
Pony preferido: Twilight Sparkle
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Ubicación: France

Re: The BronyDays, convention in Paris: new fundraising camp

Mensaje por Simontheb » 05 May 2013, 15:58

We are happy to announce that the poster you can get by donating to our fundraising campaign will be created by the talented Yulynh: check out her DeviantArt, you won't regret it!
Member of the BronyDays staff.
Autor del Hilo
Mensajes: 29
Registrado: 05 Mar 2013, 18:45
Genero: Masculino
Pony preferido: Twilight Sparkle
Sitio web:
Ubicación: France

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