♪ Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Where's the fun?
Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun-errific fun! ♫
♪ Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! (It's a work in progress!) Fun!
Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun, fun, fun-a-fun, fun! ♫
♪ You make a fantastic weirdo clown! (Excellent!)
Are you excited, 'cause I'm excited! (Well, no wonder!) ♫
♪ I could say 'kumquat' all day! (APPLEJACK!)
...I have no idea... ♫
♪ Are you suggesting I'm reading the map wrong?
(Dirtville!) How could you say 'no' to that? ♫
♪ Grudge rhymes with fudge! (Yeah! Oo~ooh...)
Hee hee hee... SAY IT WITH ME! ♫